Here you can find:
- which projects the individual countries are currently working on
Hier erfahren Sie:
- mit welchen Projekten sich die einzelnen Länder aktuell beschäftigen
1. The many ideas that those responsible brought with them from the meeting in Greece are being tried
out and installed in the daycare centers.
2. The children learn a Christmas carol in their language and "We wish you a merry christmas" for the
presentation in the online meeting with all daycare centers involved
1. The children learn a lot about feelings
2. Each daycare center creates a children´s game on the subject of feelings and sends it to the others
daycare centers
the children plant a peace tree
the children go through an election to learn democratic processes
The children sing Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer in their own language and send the
video to the cooperative day care centers
The day-care centers create a box with typical items from their own country and send it
to the cooperative day-care centers